Ccam 1.6.1
-fixed irdeto camdata setting (setting was not used correctly in 1.6.0)
-CCcam.prio: nagra caid:ident entries with nonzero ident now always match
(nagra ident is unknown at time of prio check, see CCcam.cfg for details)
-few small workarounds for buggy 7025 scidriver
-show share (nodeid_handlerid) in
-tps.bin support (fixed location /var/keys/tps.bin), using systemtime
» Author: asus dtd. 29.01.2007
» Size 228.5 kB; Needed time to download 29.25 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1555
» Rating: 1 at 1215 Votes
-fixed irdeto camdata setting (setting was not used correctly in 1.6.0)
-CCcam.prio: nagra caid:ident entries with nonzero ident now always match
(nagra ident is unknown at time of prio check, see CCcam.cfg for details)
-few small workarounds for buggy 7025 scidriver
-show share (nodeid_handlerid) in
-tps.bin support (fixed location /var/keys/tps.bin), using systemtime
» Author: asus dtd. 29.01.2007
» Size 1.27 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1500
» Rating: 1.01 at 965 Votes
-fixed wrong irdeto camdata default (since 1.4.0)
-implemented irdeto camdata setting
-improved self learning for irdeto
-fixed constant cw
-added biss support
-added priolist support
-max C / F username length now 20 instead of 19
-max C / F password length now unlimited instead of 16
-switches to enable/disable web and telnet info info interfaces
-implemented authentication for web and telnet info interfaces
-Note: the web and telnet info port paramater have changed name in the config file
-Note2: /var/keys/CCcam.ignore does not exist anymore and /var/etc/CCcam.prio is the new one
see CCcam.cfg for details
-improved dvb api detection (for systems with both demuxapi and dvb devicenodes)
-avoid exit on systems that provide nonworking dvb devicenodes
-avoid blocking on nonworking newcamd connection (since 1.4.0)
-added column in client info output to see the ecm time per client, only available if SHOW TIMING is on
-reworked share and provider info into tabular form
» Author: asus dtd. 22.01.2007
» Size 1.25 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2284
» Rating: 1 at 1260 Votes
beta1 (2006-08-24)
- [seca card] moved PPV magic command to configurable option ("card xx special = seca-ppv-magic")
- [viaccess] fixed BF for TPSv2
- [rdgd & newcamd proto] added KEEPALIVE sending
- [card core] added possibility to overwrite card data (for ex. K3's nagra-over-seca tunneling)
by using new config option "reader xx force card data = caidrovid1,provid2:addr1,addr2"
- [sharing] added possibility to map ip to username in help of radegast.i2u file for rdgd proto
- [tpscrypt] changed BF to bin db version
beta2 (2006-12-05)
- [tpscrypt] fixed BF, added multiple file support
- [card config] card boxkey subsystem rewritten - no more static boxkey on every reader config. From now rdgd link good BK with card on every reader slot, so config not need to be changed if you are swapping cards with two slots. See config options "boxkeys" & "card boxkey ii = caid:ua:bkptional-rsa"
- [newcamd proto] * fixed tps provider id parsing
* fix for double-freeing bug
- [camd] * nagra: fixed CAT parser, so all EMM pids are used finally
* added setting for cryptoworks EMM packets
- [config] * made net access file (shared.log) configurable. WARNING: Disabled by default now. To enable it use "net access file = shared.log" in config
* added config option to set behaviour how to reject unallowed connections ("share client rejecting = new | old"). Works only for newcamd proto yet!
* added possibility to not detect card type by ATR, instead force ATR in config (reader xx special = atr:caid,atr-len:atr-hex)
* added config option to specify rdgd proto listener mode ("net protocol = v3 | v4")
- [core] * added timestamp to all log outputs
* various mem leak fixes (thx, valgrind)
* refactored internals of card data managemment
* fixed crashing when cache len was undefined or zero
- [griffin] added detect of card, but not supported (yet)
- [rdgd proto] * fixed len processing for v4 proto
* added general key used in login stage ("net server key = 11 .. 88")
* added config option to restrict processing of ECM packets only destined to local cards ("net restricted = cards")
- [mod-emu-nagraus] * moved there NA nagra support (map3B mostly)
* twister mode for MECM algo0 added (so old 102's dependancy was removed)
* twister mode for MECM algo1 added
* added special option "reader xx special = n2aux" to signal aux-able card
- [proto newcamd] * added key database recheck on every zap
* real rand data generation reenabled
* if port is in blocking mode, then user gets only basic card data and emm-allowed flag will be cleared
- [module] added caching subsystem to API (v4.06)
- [mod-con-webmin] * look'n'feel updated
* added card data showing
* added showing plugins
* added showing SID
beta3 (2006-10-07)
- [module] fixed crashing if emu module doesn't have emm_update() API call
- [newcamd proto] fixed passing SA data
- [nagra] fixed MAP3b on ppc
beta4 (2006-10-0
- [module] added support for plugin module versioning, so from now is better practice to use (x.y = major.minor module API version, for ex.
- [rdgd proto] fixed detection of nagra CAID/provid pair on client side (for routing decision)
- [nagra card] * added spending time calculation on card ecm
* fixed card I/O, so no more timeouts (freezes) on some uncommon card answers
» Author: asus dtd. 18.01.2007
» Size 0.48 MB; Needed time to download 63.21 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 3590
» Rating: 1.04 at 810 Votes
Mgcamd v1[1].18
new tpscrypt algo and /var/keys/tps.bin support using timestamps, make sure your box have correct unix time!
added h.264 video pid type to decoded pids.
» Author: asus dtd. 11.01.2007
» Size 0.45 MB; Needed time to download 59.14 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 3780
» Rating: 1.04 at 1155 Votes
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