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btkpub all btk softs with btkserver x64 btkmon x64 Rating: 2

Btkserver x64 ve Btkmon x64

» Author: tonytr Write Email to tonytr Homepage from tonytr dtd. 16.05.2012
» Size 2.43 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1237
» Rating: 2 at 10 Votes

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BTKSOFT FULL PACK - Btkcam 077 - BtkServer 1.93 - Btkmon 1.4 - BtkPHP 1.2 - Btktrap 1.0 - DcwTool 1.1 Rating: 1.8

BillyTK's BTK Software suit

Please backup your files before update.

Btkcam 0.77 :
- Btkcam Seca3 Fix in PMT parsing.

BtkServer 1.93 :
- Btkserver log file is generated to btksrv.log that show active users with ip and client version.
- Integrated with btkmon 1.4 to support BtkPHP
- No cfg change.

BtkMon 1.40 :
- Integrated with btkServer 1.93 and BtkPHP 1.2
- Supports Http Post method to send Btkserver Performance / Status data in btksrv.log
- Log file is send in every 2 timeout value defined by Time: option at btkcam.cfg
- No cfg change.

BtkPHP 1.20 :
- Integrated with Btkmon 1.40 to receive Btkserver log file.
- Server Info Menu is added that shows BtkServer Status data.
- No cfg change.

BtkTrap 1.00 :
- No change.

DcwTool 1.10 :
- No change.

Btkcam 077 Gemini images are delivered within the package.

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 14.05.2012
» Size 0.32 MB; Needed time to download 41.43 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1881
» Rating: 1.8 at 25 Votes

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BTKSOFT FULL PACK - Btkcam 076v2 - BtkServer 1.92 - Btkmon 1.3 - BtkPHP 1.1 - Btktrap 1.0

Btkcam 076v2 - BtkServer 1.92 - Btkmon 1.3 - BtkPHP 1.1 - Btktrap 1.0

- 50 C: line ve 50 N: line destegi eklendi.
- CID: da fix yapildi.

Btkcam 0.76 v2
- "Segmentation fault" above 5 B: line is fixed
- BtkPHP 1.1 ile entegre edildi.
- Guvenli btkurl.cfg iletisimi yapildi. (BtkPHP ile entegre)

- BtkPHP ile beraber btkserver yonetimi gelistirildi.
- Kill: komutu eklendi (killall komutu olmayan sistemler icin)
- Detaylari btkmon.cfg icinden bakabiliriniz.

- Degisiklik yok.

DcwTool 1.1
- Degisiklik yok

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 10.05.2012
» Size 0.32 MB; Needed time to download 41.92 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1429
» Rating: 5 at 35 Votes

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BtkPHP - Btkserver administration

How to control Btkserver with BtkPHP and Btkmon1.2x

First of all get a free PHP WEB Service from a web site (5MB is enough)
I prefer Disk area is enough and servers have fast response.
(Suppose that I had bought the site

Then unzip contents to your web site. (14 files and 1 img directory)

Configuring Btkphp

1. Modify following fields in btk.php and then upload to your server.

/ / Myfile.txt (optional)
$ File = "myfile.txt";

/ / Mydcw.txt (optional)
Dcwfile $ = "mydcw.txt";

/ / Enter admin user and password .
$ Admin = "demo";
$ Adminpass = "demo";

/ / Your btkserver IP or hostname. and extra setting you want to transfer.
Btksrv $ = "";
Btkexta $ = "";
$ Btkextra. = "# You may add an extra btkcam.cfg lines n";
$ Btkextra. = "# Like this example. n";

2. Now ready for use. Admin user can login. There is no setting other than Normal Btkserver configuration.

Configuring Btkmon 1.2x for A PC/Server. ( btksrv_x86 is taken as an example, but same procedure applies for mips and ppc)

1. Upload btkmon_x86 to your PC/Server. (will be in the same folder with btksrv_x86 eg. /var/bin/)

2. Create and enter the following to btkmon.cfg (in /var/bin/)

# Peek Time - Every 30 sec checks running processes.
Time: 30

# Process to check
Proc: /var/bin/ btksrv_x86 0 0

# Killer program (some machines does not have killall software) if you have killall software on your PC, this line is not used
#Kill: pkill

# BURL: configuration to pull dcwserver.cfg from your site
# Enter here your server address and user/password values.

And system is ready to run.
Enable debug mode by typing -d after btkmon_x86
btkmon_x86 -d


Using Btkphp
After login with Admin,

Click Add USer
- Add as many users as you want..

Click Server Config.
- Enter your btkserver parameters.
- If you have created users then hit "Generate Users" button. or manually enter the users.
- Click "Save & Show" and then a popup screen comes up.

on the Popup screen;
- "Save to File" button : Backups you config in your local computer.
- "Signal Btkserver" button: Signals btkmon_x86 and btkmon_x86 receieves new dcwserver.cfg then Btkmon restarts btksrv_x86.

Good luck.

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 07.05.2012
» Size 5.86 kB; Needed time to download 0.75 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 630
» Not rated yet

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BtkPHP - Btkserver administration

English version will be available soon.

BtkPHP ve Btkmon1.2x yazilimlari ile btkserveri kontrol etmek.

Oncelikle bedava PHP web hizmeti veren bir siteden (5MB yeter) bir web sayfasi alin.
Ben sitesini tercih ediyorum. Fazlasi ile alan veriyor ve hizli.
(aldigim sitenin adinin oldugunu farzedin.)

Daha sonra dosyasi icindekileri buraya cikartin. (14 dosya ve 1 adet img klasoru olacak)

Btkphp ayarlamasi

1. btk.php dosyasini notepad ile acin ve asagidaki yerleri kendinize gore duzenleyin, daha sonra servere yukleyin.

// myfile.txt yerine istediginiz dosya ismini yazabilirsniz (degismesede olur)

// mydcw.txt yerine istediginiz dosya ismini yazabilirsniz (degismesede olur)

//Buraya web sayfasnizin admin password ve user bilgilerini girin..

//B: line icin kullanilacak olan btkserverin IP yada hostname ini yazin.
$btksrv = "";
$btkextra .="# you may add extra btkcam.cfg linesn";
$btkextra .="# like this example.n";

2. Artik kullanima hazir. Admin ile girerek user ekleyebilirsiniz. Baska ayar yoktur.

Btkmon 1.2x ayarlamasi. (btksrv_x86 olarak yaziyorum amd mips yada ppc icin de ayni islemler)

1. btkmon yazilimini btkserver yaziliminin calistigi makinaya (btksrv_x86 yazilimi ile ayni klasore) yukleyin.

2. btkmon.cfg dosyasi yaratin ve icine asagidakileri girin
#kontorl etme suresi : her 30 sn de 1 kontrol et.
Time: 30

# Kontrol edilecek process /var/bin icindeki btksrv_x86 dosyasi
Proc: /var/bin/ btksrv_x86 0 0

# Kill programi (bazi makinalarda killall yazilimi yoktur) eger killall yazilimi serverde varsa bunu yazmaya gerek yok
Kill: pkill

# BURL: web server dan configurasyonu almasi icin girelen ayardir
# burada kendi server adresinizi ve password degerlerinizi giriniz.

bu islem sonrasi artik btkserveri web sayafasi uzerinden kontrol edebilirsiniz..

btkmon_x86 yazilimini calistirin ve sistem kullanima hazir.

btkphp Web syafasi uzerinde admin ile girip userlari ekledikten sonra,

Server Config altina girin.
- Server parametrelerinizi girin.
- Eger userlari yarattiysaniz "generate Users" butonuna baisnca otomatik userlar olusur. yada manuel olarak ilgili yere girin.
- Save & Show butonuna basinca bir popup ekran cilir.

Popup ekranda;
- Save to File butonuna basinca local bilgisayara yedek almak icin kullanabilirsiniz.
- "Signal Btkserver" yazinca btkmon yazilimi otomatik dcwserver.cfg dosyasini alir ve btkserveri restart eder.

Deneyin ve bilgi verin.

test amacli olarka btkmon_x86 yazilimini
btkmon_x86 -d
yazarak debug modda acin.

Kolay gelsin.

Bunu basaran arkadaslara btkmon.url kullanimini anlatmaya baslayacagim.
once mantigi herkes anlasin bu 1nci adim.

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 07.05.2012
» Size 20.55 kB; Needed time to download 2.63 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1046
» Not rated yet

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HDVB v1.2.8 Rating: 3.5

HDVB v1.2.8
- The Twin Aadido protocol-Box Dongle (client) -> TwinServers.ini
- Servers1 -> Servers supports the-Box Version 2.1x 2:10 2:11
- Servers2 -> Servers supports the-Box Version 2:00 2:03 2:04
- To the suggestion of twin-Box (client): [email protected]

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 16.04.2012
» Size 2.19 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2739
» Rating: 3.5 at 10 Votes

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Btkserver191.exe - Btk_Info.exe for windows. Rating: 3.5

Latest BtkServer 191 for Windows

Latest BtkInfo tool.....
- BTkInfo tools are compatible with btksrv190+

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 07.04.2012
» Size 2.03 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2254
» Rating: 3.5 at 10 Votes

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BtkCam072 - Important Fix. Rating: 1.88

Hi all.

Btkcam071 had a huge memory leak when a B: line disconnected.

it has been fixed and some extra precautions added.

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 05.04.2012
» Size 95.47 kB; Needed time to download 12.22 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1416
» Rating: 1.88 at 40 Votes

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BtkServer 1.91 - BtkCam071 and Supporting Files Rating: 1

- Public dcwserver configuration has been removed.
- Faster User account processing.
- Some fixes for stability.

- Faster PMT handling.
- Seca3 PMT Fix
- Faster ECM handling.
- btkcam.cfg and biss.cfg may be in the same folder where binary file is located.
- AzBox support.
- GEmini packages are included.

Btkmon1.1 - Dcwtool1.1 - btktrap1.0 are the same.

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 05.04.2012
» Size 0.3 MB; Needed time to download 39.08 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1427
» Rating: 1 at 5 Votes

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BTKINFO Beta 0.1 - Btkserver info tool for windows.

Btkinfo tool for Windows displays btk server info.

Extract the zip file and load yout btkcam.cfg
then press init. and test the lines..

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 04.04.2012
» Size 237.07 kB; Needed time to download 30.34 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1821
» Not rated yet

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SBox 0.0.5-2#A For EDG Nemesis and also New DE Image

SBox 0.0.5-2#A For EDG Nemesis and also New DE Image

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 03.04.2012
» Size 243.57 kB; Needed time to download 31.18 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 582
» Rating: 6 at 5 Votes

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SBox 0.0.5-2#A for BH Image and also Nabilo E2

SBox 0.0.5-2#A for BH Image and also Nabilo E2

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 03.04.2012
» Size 243.72 kB; Needed time to download 31.2 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 567
» Not rated yet

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SBox 0.0.5-2 # A (Tests) Rating: 1

SBox 0.0.5-2 # A (Tests)

- (PC / SC) Compiled versions for PPC and x86 (64 bit) with support for OMNIKEY readers
- (Webif) Updated the "Entitlements" now shows more info
- (CCcam) Small changes
- (Viaccess) Now you should work long ECM (unaudited)

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 03.04.2012
» Size 1.71 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 732
» Rating: 1 at 5 Votes

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MultiCS b7- r53

Multi CardServer b7- r53
*restored r38 main process code.
*restored gbox & radegast servers.
*fixed cache thread (the main problem causing high cpu usage)
*incoming cache data from r50/r51 are blocked (r50/r51 multithreaded code can send wrong DCW).
*added global option to block/accept all incoming and outcoming cache data with networkid=0 (ACCEPT NULL ONID: 0/1).

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 28.03.2012
» Size 0.28 MB; Needed time to download 37.05 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 881
» Rating: -0.33 at 15 Votes

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Sbox 005-2#9 for EDG Nemesis and also New DE Image!

Sbox 005-2#9 for EDG Nemesis and also New DE Image!

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 26.03.2012
» Size 193.73 kB; Needed time to download 24.8 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 544
» Not rated yet

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Btkcam 070 _ Patch for Seca3 19e Holland Rating: 1.75

Seca3 patch for TVHolland 19e

just replace your btkcam file with new one, using ftp

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 26.03.2012
» Size 45.14 kB; Needed time to download 5.78 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 869
» Rating: 1.75 at 20 Votes

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SBox 0.0.5-2 #9 BH / VTI all in one pack

SBox 0.0.5-2 #9 BH / VTI all in one pack

1. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0.
2. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (215.8 KB)
3. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (215.7 KB)
4. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (217.9 KB)
5. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (683.3 KB)
6. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (683.3 KB)
7. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (711.3 KB)
8. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (711.3 KB)
9. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (544.7 KB)
10. enigma2-plugin-cam-sbox-v0. (544.7 KB)

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 25.03.2012
» Size 4.62 MB; Needed time to download 10,590 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1207
» Not rated yet

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SBox 0.0.5-2 #9 (Tests)

SBox 0.0.5-2 #9 (Tests)

-Added support for OMNIKEY readers. Change the value of reader = 3 and sci = 0. If you have more than one reader, you create another slot with sci = 1 and so on. Currently only support these readers mips and x86 versions.
- (CCcam) I changed some things to try to solve the problems you had some.
-Changed the server configuration radegast more info on the sbox.conf
-Compiled version for routers based on dd-wrt

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 25.03.2012
» Size 1.39 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 565
» Not rated yet

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Btkserver 190 for Windows Rating: 1.5

Hi all,

btkserver for windows is ready to launch.

- Telnet function has been fixed... Use putty for monitoring. and select Raw in connection type.

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 25.03.2012
» Size 1.79 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 1368
» Rating: 1.5 at 30 Votes

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BTK Software - New ERA on CS - BTKTRAP- Intercept DCWs and share Rating: 2.25

Finally The Full DCW hack tool is released.

Btkserver 190 and Btkcam 070 are not backward compatible. Please use the latest Release.

Btkserver 190.
- integrated new DCW format
- Integrated with btktrap
- 1000 DCW capacity for every 30 seconds.

Btkcam 070
- Integrated new DCW format.

Btkmon 1.1
- Integrated with btktrap

Dcwtool 1.1
- Supports new DCW format.
- Not needed after Btktrap release.

- Intercepts DCWs from a running cam (CCcam, mgcam, gbox etc ) except btkcam :)
- Sends dcws to Btkserver

» Author: billytk06 Write Email to billytk06 Homepage from billytk06 dtd. 24.03.2012
» Size 0.29 MB; Needed time to download 38.59 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2245
» Rating: 2.25 at 40 Votes

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SBox 0.0.5-2 #8 (Tests)

SBox 0.0.5-2 #8 (Tests)

-Added support for Conax cards CAS7 married, require the receiver rsa original (thanks to mitega), more info in the sbox.conf
-Added option 'controlsid', this option may limit the number of channels that can open a card at a time, more info in the sbox.conf

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 18.03.2012
» Size 0.91 MB; Needed time to download 1,59 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 756
» Not rated yet

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HDVB v1.2.8 Rating: 2

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 18.03.2012
» Size 1.81 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 7809
» Rating: 2 at 25 Votes

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» Author: BIGMAN_58 Write Email to BIGMAN_58 Homepage from BIGMAN_58 dtd. 16.03.2012
» Size 55.46 kB; Needed time to download 7.1 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 605
» Rating: 5 at 10 Votes

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SBox 0.0.5-2 #7 (Tests) for EDG also New DE Rating: 1

SBox 0.0.5-2 #7 (Tests) for EDG also New DE

- (CCcam-Server) Fixed bug that caused a timeout on clients
- (Viaccess) Added support for multiple keys aes, more info in the sbox.conf
- (Viaccess)Added support for the nano and ECMs d2 long (thanks to mitega), without checking

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 13.03.2012
» Size 123.67 kB; Needed time to download 15.83 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 565
» Rating: 1 at 5 Votes

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SBox 0.0.5-2 #7 (Tests) for BH and also Nabilo E2

SBox 0.0.5-2 #7 (Tests) for BH and also Nabilo E2

- (CCcam-Server) Fixed bug that caused a timeout on clients
- (Viaccess) Added support for multiple keys aes, more info in the sbox.conf
- (Viaccess)Added support for the nano and ECMs d2 long (thanks to mitega), without checking

» Author: Ricky Write Email to Ricky dtd. 13.03.2012
» Size 123.83 kB; Needed time to download 15.85 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 486
» Not rated yet

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