Dvb Dream v2.0a-FULL
DVBS-2 and Diseqc should work better on most of DVB cards/boxes now
Now vendor specific functions are supported in separate BDA extension files under devicesbda_extensions folder, it is possible to force extensions by editing conf.ini
DVB-C and DVB-T/ISDB-T improvements (different bandwidth and different QAM frequency lists are now possible)
All terrestrial/cable frequencies are now grouped in country/city sets
Now Pilot & Roll Off values can be specified on scan interfaces
SkyStar HD2 should be able to lock on DVB-S2 transponders now
DD automatically recognizes the codecs installed on your system and updates codecs.ini during setup, and there is also a new button "Add installed codecs" on video options dialog, to add newly installed codecs into codecs.ini with just one click
Some network search and LCN related bugs fixed
Diseqc repeats are now handled by device interfaces
Positioner as defalt doesn't try to retune because of the crashes on some card drivers
If your SkyStar HD2 remote doesn't work, please try "Twinhan" remote type
DVB-C and DVB-T/ISDB-T frequencies are now stored in "cable.ini" and "terrestrial.ini" files
For terrestrial and cable users, a clean install & scan is recommended
If you still have problem with diseqc, please report on the forum and try changing "main menu->options->device options->diseqc method" and increase the values in "main menu->options->performance->delay after diseqc" and "diseqc repeats"
If you have crashes during scan when you use BDA device interface, disable TIF under device options
If you are a programmer, believe that you can write device extensions to support your DVB cards/boxes please contact us, we will provide the API, it is quite simple. Possible to support CI / Diseqc / DVB-S2 / Blind Scan / LNB power off through device extensions
» Author: mert_2005 dtd. 12.08.2012
» Size 26.7 MB; Needed time to download 58,3422 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 21827
» Rating: 3.38 at 145 Votes
Create Direct show Audio/Video Splitter
Gadget : prefered Icons bar in full screen
Server / client. Channel list can be uploaded directly from the client
H264 || AC3 working now in client mode
Subtitle for orange cinema channels
Display subtitle in EVR
Packet size plugin can be setup (menu setting->options)
Ratio size player. can be setup (auto - 4/3 - 16/9)
Ratio size stream. can be setup (auto - 4/3 - 14/9 - 15/9 - 16/9 - 2.35)
Disecq microsoft BDA
Disecq TurboSight QBox BDA
Separate codec selection for Audio MPEG/AC3
EVR mode play file
Keyboard shorcut need now CTRL or SHIFT + key
Fixed :
Epg parser
Channel name in client mode
Crash during scan
Remove ratio player swicth on each channel change
Crash on graphical subtile
Remove vobsub management
Remove load graph option
RepaintWnd mode NoVmr and Haali renderer
Remove push source or Majoor Push source management
Always on top option with media skin
EVR resize during player resize
Mouse icon flashing in full screen in same cases
Windows schelduler windows 7
Many little things saw since 2 years...
» Author: mert_2005 dtd. 20.04.2012
» Size 2.67 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5455
» Rating: 6 at 5 Votes
v1.7 (1711.2011)
Unicable support added (works only on TBS cards for now)
CI/CAM support for AverMedia (not tested, please confirm)
Support for NetUP devices (Diseqc & CI, not tested)
BDA device error code:14 bug fixed which happens on some devices
Initial installation dialog supports more languages now (Turkish,Greek,Chinese,Arabic,Ukranian,Farsi...)
A few bugs in scheduler fixed
Arabic epg bug fix
Snapshot crash bug fixed
LNB Power Off/On support added (in File menu, works only on TBS and Compro devices for now)
EPG support option added for Israel cable provider HOT.
* If you encounter any problem with EPG text charset, you should pick the correct EPG code page instead of "auto"
* BDA Device options now provides different methods for diseqc (Main Menu->Options->Device Options)
* For unicable, you should select the LNB type as unicable while adding satellites in diseqc dialog
* Unicable and LNB Power Off/On is not supported on all devices. It should work fine on TBS cards with new drivers (these new drivers should be released by TBS in next few days)
* If you are still having problem with diseqc on AverMedia devices, please report. You just need to download latest aver media drivers.
* Kaspersky Antivirus is not recommended since it could be the culprit responsible for des.dll errors due to some false virus alarms / heuristic scan.
» Author: mert_2005 dtd. 17.04.2012
» Size 2.67 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 4660
» Rating: 6 at 5 Votes
Add: TOT data generated by the system time
Add: Audio play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: Video play states are now handled by the MHEG engine
Add: partially support for online content like BBC iPlayer
Fix: Volume control of the MHEG engine should work correctly
Fix: Interactive language is now send to the MHEG application correctly
Add: PVR Bookings are send/read to/from the VCR
Video On Demand Filter
Add: Youtube support (youtube://[youtubeid])
Add: Vimeo support (vimeo://[vimeoid])
Fix: Improved Playback and buffering of all kind of audio and video streams
Add: Better Icecast/Shoutcast detection
Removed: LastFM support
Add: Playback Presets by Griga. Presets are used to offer a more flexible way to select codecs and splitters for specific file formats. Note: selecting a Videorenderer inside these preset files is NOT supported.
Some example presets are in the [app-folder]GraphPresets_Samples. You need to copy them into the [configuration folder]GraphPresets folder and adjust the filter IDs and/or make sure you have the fitting filters/splitters installed.
Add: Playback: Added CD and WAV playback via the DVBSource Filter.
Change: Program: Saving of the windows positions is now handled a little better.
Fix: Program: The position of dialog windows was sometimes incorrect.
Add: Playback: Playback of ts/mp3/wav streams from a http source (Recording Service) via the DVBSource filter added. Use the "Open URL" dialog. Needs the current version of the Recording Service.
Fix: Installation: A clean installation with no channel list as a Recording Service client could deactivate all timers in the Recording Service.
Fix: Program Start: under certain circumstances a renderer error message could delay the program start up to 20 seconds.
Fix: Recordings: If adjust PAT/PMT was activated and the SID of a channel was wrong, no Audio/Videodata was written. Now adjust PAT/PMT is deactivated if the SID doesn't match. careful this might cause problems with other hard/Software. Make sure the SID of a channel is always correct.
Change: Rewritten and optimized the code for (debug)Logfile writing.
Fix: Settings: Changes to Auto detect Audio/Video weren't saved anymore.
Updated to current sqlite3 version.
Updated the DVBViewer Filter.
Several corrections and optimizations.
Language files updated.
Add: Skystar USB HD with WDM driver: Enabled Diseqc 1.2 for this device.
Add: BDA: DiSEqC support for DVBSky devices added.
Add: BDA: Detection of Digital Devices Cine CT V6 devices added.
Add: BDA: Reworked the detection of Turbosight devices. You might have to do a manual hardware search in the options.
Add: BDA: Cinergy HTC Stick detection added.
Change: BDA: New option for EMPIA compatible devices in DVB-C mode in the hardware Options: "Force Auto Modulation". Changing this value might help if channel changes are very slow.
Add: Support for Hauppauge PVR devices
» Author: mert_2005 dtd. 17.04.2012
» Size 2.67 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5192
» Rating: 3.4 at 25 Votes
Btkserver 190 V3
- Almost %100 stable stable Server and Cam clients.
- B: line support removed...
- Stack: is advised in dcwserver.cfg for high capacity servers (if supported)
if Stack: 128 then 16 users per 1MB Ram
if Stack: 64 then 32 users per 1 MB Ram
Btkcam 070 V6
- Ping command implemented for constant btkcam link.
- Faster zapping
- All Seca3 Pmt parsing is implemented.
» Author: billytk06 dtd. 02.04.2012
» Size 1.99 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5731
» Rating: 1.91 at 55 Votes
- PMT & CAT scan fixed,
- Some minor fixes,
- vModules implementation :
Adding a possiblity for vModules to scan specific pids & gain data, (experimental)
Ability to view the transfered information about the current channel,
(access to "Programm82" data, channel name, pids, etc..)
Check the source at "DynamicLoading.pas" unit for more info.
» Author: Ricky dtd. 31.10.2011
» Size 12.7 kB; Needed time to download 1.63 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 4081
» Not rated yet
Added: Loop mode (for BLScan mode only).
Update: BLScan and StreamReader to lastest version.
Improved: Now deleting profiles no needs to reload the list everytime and some bugs fixed.
Improved: Now remember the LNB type and frequency range allowed by profile.
Fixed: Another USALS handling bug (Thanks to Giver for the report.)
Fixed: Sometimes don’t end the application when does not dvb devices found.
Fixed: Small issues with some DPI configs.
Fixed: Bug when deleting last ‘scan-range’ item.
Fixed: Sometimes profile configuration is not fully loaded if Device list is empty or unplug any device and item ID is changed.
Some other small fixes.
» Author: Ricky dtd. 26.06.2011
» Size 0.51 MB; Needed time to download 66.88 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5839
» Rating: 5 at 35 Votes
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