simplebuild 3
New functions
Support git binary patches
Add csky-linux toolchain to support GX-API builds
Add libdvbcsa build options
Introduce generic toolchains based on bootlin
Support both oscam svn and git repositories
Improve repository handling regarding full customizable repository urls
Rework oscam build static/dynamic libraries
Support patch filenames with spaces
Sync with Makefile changes in official oscam
Add USE_LIBDVBCSA switch and libdvbcsa to oscam_name
Add gxapi to oscam_name
Delete support/toolchains.cfg/native
Update output format of tccheck command
Remove WITH_UTF8 option as it was removed from official oscam
Better patch log output
New upx default --best
Update translations
Fix toolchain deletions in some s3 menus
Fix whitespaces
Fix unknown function call in Oscam EXTRA menu
Fix template file not found error related to backing up legacy toolchains
Fix some native build error messages
Fix toolchain extraction strip components issue
Fix different revision dialog
New functions
Add new library libdvbcsa to follow official oscam changes
Use oe-mirror as source for patched libdvbcsa
Add libdvbcsa build optimization autodetection
Generate libdvbcsa library zipfile for deployment
Update LIB_PCSC, LIB_CCID library configs
s3.TUP Reset config without startup to menu
» Author: BIGMAN_58 dtd. 15.02.2025
» Size 0.49 MB; Needed time to download 64.6 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 6697
» Not rated yet
Keys in SoftCam.Key:
P <srvid> <nb> <key>
P 1234 01 11223344556677
AU keys:
P <srvid> <UA> <key>
P 1234 11223344 11223344556677
For PowerVU the Stream Relay must be used:
The stream relay needs a fast CPU. Not every STB is fast enough.
If you cannot fix stuttering with the following guide, likely your CPU is
too slow.
For best performance, the "Include ECM in http streams" setting must be enabled.
If your image supports it (openpli, openatv), you can find it here:
OpenWebif -> Settings -> Customize
If the setting is not available, you may need to adjust the "ECM fix delay"
setting in oscam webif (Config -> Stream Relay).
Increase/Lower it until there is no stuttering.
When using VU+ devices, make sure to use the latest drivers (June 2015), if
you encounter any problems.
Channel Config:
1. Go to the OpenWebif and click on the "Stream" button for the channel you want to add.
2. Download and save the .m3u file.
3. Open the .m3u file with a text edior and get the stream link. It looks like this: http://stb:8001/1:0:19:0123:3EF:1:C00000:0:0:0:
4. Replace the port (8001) with the relay port (default: 17999) and the host name ("stb") with
5. Add the new stream link to your channel list (for example with DreamBoxEdit)
Do NOT use the correct Transponder ID/Network ID/Namespace for the stream link.
Use Transponder ID: "11", Network ID: "22" and Namespace: "33".
Set Service Type to "1", and enter the correct Service ID for the channel.
When using DreamBoxEdit:
A. Go to the list in the middle "Bouquet details".
B. Right click on a channel, select "IPTV and other streaming services", select "Add".
C. Select "DVB/TS".
D. Chosse a name and use the new stream link as URL.
E. Use the "Service ID" of the original channel. You can find it in the left list ("Services")
» Author: BIGMAN_58 dtd. 16.07.2015
» Size 0.63 MB; Needed time to download 82.91 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 214821
» Rating: 2.63 at 40 Votes
MultiCS r80
* added option to check for via. ecm
* added option to enable/disable cache filter.
* added filter to check for incoming cw from servers/cache with previous stored cws.
* extended CACHE AUTOADD to enable/disable cache peers after adding them.
* restructured cache database for memory/cpu optimizations.
* new http option to download/show in browser some files from your server.
HTTP FILE: "/var/etc/multics.cfg", "/config" # url = http://server_ip/config?
tired of payservers and their constantly complaining, added anti-payservers module in cccam and mgcamd servers (the server will suspend if the number of clients watching the same channel reach 100)
Updated stb targets (arm, ppc, mips, sh4, sparc, alpha)
* changed socketpair() with pipe() due to 'bus error' (thanks to amant for testing mipsel version)
* removed anti-payserver module as payservers generally use (x32 & x64) versions
» Author: keltos dtd. 28.05.2014
» Size 2.67 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 174398
» Not rated yet
Multi CardServer r76
*fixed freecccam sending 0 cards, at least it works now
*fixed checkdcw to retreive cycles just after a single freeze
*fully optimized cache hashtable (need memory ~ 80M)
*optimized cacheex hashtable (even with optimizations, cacheex increases too much cpu usgae)
*optimized ecm search functions.
*fixed clients connexions.
*mcs versions older than r67 cant connect via cache even using (csp=yes), we dont want to share WRONG CODES anymore.
*fixed delayed send ecm (bug found from r70)
» Author: keltos dtd. 28.05.2014
» Size 0.51 MB; Needed time to download 66.27 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 123797
» Rating: 6 at 5 Votes
this version is fixed to minimize wrong codes, the cache is full of bad cw and forwarding cache spread them to all peers.
* removed tracker and forwarded hits from csp cache and cacheex, so only your filtered local cache will be sent to peers and you will save a lot of bandwidth.
* disabled connections with old mcs revisions (sending sometimes wrong codes as r63)
for your local oscam or csp you must add the cache line as below to connect with this version
CACHE PEER: 12345 { csp=yes }?
* fixed freecccam server and connection/login bugs
» Author: keltos dtd. 28.05.2014
» Size 1.39 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 121606
» Not rated yet
Multi CardServer r74
* fixed unknown cache message bug.
* fixed host option for mgcamd client
* added filter for invalid/bad viaccess ecm requests
* added test channel parameter to log all ecm/dcw of a certain channel to file (/var/tmp/multics.log)
TESTCHANNEL: 0500:032830:2206
* added ecm length to sid list ( SID LIST: <SID:CHID:ECMLEN> )
SID LIST: 0::92 # accept all ecm with length 0x92 (hex)
SID LIST: 2206::60 # accept only ecm with sid 2206 and length 0x60
* new ecm length parameter for profiles, to filter all incoming requests by requested lengths
ECM LENGTH: 93, 64 # accept only ecm with length 0x93 or 0x64
* new cache alivetime parameter, time which cw will stay in cache.
CACHE ALIVETIME: 10 # in seconds (default=15s)
* new file option "UPDATE ONCHANGE". if you disable this option for a file, config data will not be updated when you modify that file.
UPDATE ONCHANGE: NO # default value = YES
* new fline parameter "nodeid" to deny access for cccam client using unknown nodeid (different receiver/server).
F: user pass { nodeid=0102030405060708 }
* new http title parameter.
HTTP TITLE: "My First Server"
* added option to disable/enable "DCW CHECK" option for clients (newcamd/mgcamd/cccam)
CCCAM DCW CHECK: NO # default=YES, disable/enable default value for all cccam clients
MGCAMD DCW CHECK: NO # default=YES, disable/enable default value for all mgcamd clients
NEWCAMD DCW CHECK: NO # default=YES, disable/enable default value for all newcamd clients
* for each client you can enable/disable "DCW CHECK" option, if not specified default server option would be used.
F: user pass { dcwcheck=yes }
USER: user pass { dcwcheck=yes }
MGUSER: user pass { dcwcheck=yes }
## client having a receiver(watching tv only) -> dcwcheck=yes
## client having a server -> dcwcheck=NO
nb: r72c and r73 are test versions.
» Author: keltos dtd. 28.05.2014
» Size 1.38 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 167375
» Not rated yet
Multi CardServer r70
fixed cache peers unstable activity
fixed load balancer to block resending ecm to different servers with same ip
added STRICT dcw checking for *** cards
fixed peer cards checking when sending all replies to cache peer or in tracker-mode
YES/NO now can be used in config with boolean options ( YES=1 / NO=0 )
new cache option auto add peers "CACHE AUTOADD: YES" (default=no)
added oscam cacheex mode3 (reverse) on CCcam protocol (experimental)
## Cacheex Client
F: cache pass { cacheex_mode=3 }
## Cacheex Server connection
C: host 8495 user pass { cacheex_mode=3; cache_maxhop=2; shares=09CD:0, 0500:32830; }
=> push cacheex to server only shares slyit+csatv4 with maxhop=2
to enable cacheex on one profile add "ENABLE CACHEEX: YES"
added multiport in newcamd line:
N: 14000,14005:14007,14017,14021:14023 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
=> Connect to servers having the next ports: 14000, 14005,14006,14007, 14017, 14021, 14022, 14023
added dcw check in cache
added profile hits to cache peer info
cache messages are now auto-saved to file '/var/tmp/multics.sms'
fixed load balancer to wakeup upon reaching server.timeout
fixed server priority in load balancer
*new targets for RaspberryPI and openwrt
» Author: keltos dtd. 28.05.2014
» Size 1.42 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 318580
» Not rated yet
fixed mutexes combination causing sometimes deadlock
fixed cache to send all different dcw (not only 1st one) of every ecm request
added option to enable/disable sending cache requests ( CACHE SENDREQ: YES )
added include statement (includes and parses the specified file)
INCLUDE "/var/etc/server2.cfg"
» Author: keltos dtd. 28.05.2014
» Size 0.47 MB; Needed time to download 61.43 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 124472
» Rating: 1.5 at 20 Votes
Not Upload any Adult or Crack or Warez
Watching Pay Tv channels without a valid subscription is illegal , all files/information here are only for educational purposes only....