small fixes:
* fixed mgcamd decode failed.
* fixed country ipblocker data on config changed.
* added more optimizations on cache but also added more memory allocation. Result: very fast cache and low ping.
Multi CardServer r71
* fixed typo disabling the check of cache peer cards that minimize traffic by blocking cache data unused by peer
* removed cache dcw checking for *** cards.
* fixed cacheex csp_hash little endian order.
* removed clients mintime+timeout and profile mintime to get less iterations, faster answers and less cpu consumption.
* optimized receive messages functions.
* optimized search in cache table.
* added country ip blocker of clients connections ( file ip2country must exist to enable this option )
ex: "BLOCK COUNTRY: XX, YY ## XX and YY are country codes like FR,DE,TN..."
This proxy is free and for non commercial use, removed payserver options: expire date & some related xml data.
Multi CardServer r70
* fixed cache peers unstable activity
* fixed load balancer to block resending ecm to different servers with same ip
* added STRICT dcw checking for *** cards
* fixed peer cards checking when sending all replies to cache peer or in tracker-mode
* YES/NO now can be used in config with boolean options ( YES=1 / NO=0 )
* new cache option auto add peers "CACHE AUTOADD: YES" (default=no)
* added oscam cacheex mode3 (reverse) on CCcam protocol (experimental)
## Cacheex Client
F: cache pass { cacheex_mode=3 }
## Cacheex Server connection
C: host 8495 user pass { cacheex_mode=3; cache_maxhop=2; shares=09CD:0, 0500:32830; }
=> push cacheex to server only shares slyit+csatv4 with maxhop=2
to enable cacheex on one profile add "ENABLE CACHEEX: YES"
* added multiport in newcamd line:
N: 14000,14005:14007,14017,14021:14023 user pass 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
=> Connect to servers having the next ports: 14000, 14005,14006,14007, 14017, 14021, 14022, 14023
* added dcw check in cache
* added profile hits to cache peer info
* cache messages are now auto-saved to file '/var/tmp/multics.sms'
* fixed load balancer to wakeup upon reaching server.timeout
* fixed server priority in load balancer
* new targets for RaspberryPI and openwrt
Multi CardServer r69
* fixed mutexes combination causing sometimes deadlock
* fixed cache to send all different dcw (not only 1st one) of every ecm request
* added option to enable/disable sending cache requests ( CACHE SENDREQ: YES )
* added include statement (includes and parses the specified file)
» Author: Ricky dtd. 07.07.2013
» Size 1.34 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 6914
» Rating: 1 at 30 Votes
- "Multiport" for network reader (reader example: [newcamd Host port1; port2-port5; port6 ​​User password]
- oscam.conf new parameters:
- debug = level of detail of the log (as the-d command line)
- daemon = 0 or 1 (analog-b command line (default 0, and for sh4-stapi - 1))
- if the parameter reader enable = 2 konekta to it at the start
- added filters reader sid and siddec = list of approved channels oxides on the reader (for sid - hexadecimal, siddec - desyatirichnoy)
All in One
» Author: Ricky dtd. 29.06.2013
» Size 2.03 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5669
» Rating: 0.8 at 25 Votes
Many users complain me MGCAMD.SH4 Plugin and Plugin_MCAS.S not work together ...... so today i upload new software in which MGCAMD.SH4 Plugin and Plugin_MCAS.S working excueted at same time ........
download this plugin and enjoy.........
THX Aman_Gee for the Great Job
SoftCam.key from 25.05.13
» Author: Ricky dtd. 25.05.2013
» Size 7.38 MB; Needed time to download 16,944 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 9231
» Rating: 2.57 at 35 Votes
Multi CardServer r68
fixed cache send messages
fixed cache send request in tracker mode
removed delays from main thread
fixed timeout for sending ecm
this version is available only for x32 and x64 arch
» Author: Ricky dtd. 02.04.2013
» Size 0.47 MB; Needed time to download 60.97 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 4850
» Rating: 3.5 at 10 Votes
Multi CardServer r67
*fixed options 'DISABLE CACHE' and 'SERVER FIRST'
*fixed floating point bug
*fixed xml refresh data
*added multi mgcamd servers
*recoded cache mechanism and added new packets: sending messages & card list
» Author: Ricky dtd. 27.03.2013
» Size 2.63 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 7021
» Not rated yet
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