Major change in this version is x64 support.
Now filter is distributed in several editions: Full, Lite and Win9x. More about the difference.
Much work with equalizer. Now you can work with each channel individually and with all channels at once. You can see the equalizer's real frequency response, and build your own equalizers with custom frequency bands up to one hertz precise.
Spectrum is now synchronized with audio playback. Also, you can see the spectrum of individual channels.
Translated to Greek (thanks to thanks to Peter Perdik and Dimitrios Topouzidis) and Slovenian (thanks to DarkHand).
Installer is localized now
+ 64bit filter
+ Lite filter version
+ Multichannel equalizer
+ Customize equalizer dialog with frequency response of the equalizer
* Equalizer rewrited
* Spectrum synchronized with audio playback
* Localized installer
! Fixed: ACM driver sometimes crashed
! Fixed: equalizer can mute the sound sometimes
! Fixed: "incorrect value" error message may appear under the settings dialog
! Fixed: tab key now works at edit controls
New Translations:
* Slovenian, thanks to DarkHand
* Greek, thanks to Peter Perdik and Dimitrios Topouzidis
» Author: sanko86 dtd. 21.05.2009
» Size 2.54 MB; Needed time to download 5,295 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5854
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