How to control Btkserver with BtkPHP and Btkmon1.2x
First of all get a free PHP WEB Service from a web site (5MB is enough)
I prefer Disk area is enough and servers have fast response.
(Suppose that I had bought the site
Then unzip contents to your web site. (14 files and 1 img directory)
Configuring Btkphp
1. Modify following fields in btk.php and then upload to your server.
/ / Enter admin user and password .
$ Admin = "demo";
$ Adminpass = "demo";
/ / Your btkserver IP or hostname. and extra setting you want to transfer.
Btksrv $ = "";
Btkexta $ = "";
$ Btkextra. = "# You may add an extra btkcam.cfg lines n";
$ Btkextra. = "# Like this example. n";
2. Now ready for use. Admin user can login. There is no setting other than Normal Btkserver configuration.
Configuring Btkmon 1.2x for A PC/Server. ( btksrv_x86 is taken as an example, but same procedure applies for mips and ppc)
1. Upload btkmon_x86 to your PC/Server. (will be in the same folder with btksrv_x86 eg. /var/bin/)
2. Create and enter the following to btkmon.cfg (in /var/bin/)
# Peek Time - Every 30 sec checks running processes.
Time: 30
# Process to check
Proc: /var/bin/ btksrv_x86 0 0
# Killer program (some machines does not have killall software) if you have killall software on your PC, this line is not used
#Kill: pkill
# BURL: configuration to pull dcwserver.cfg from your site
# Enter here your server address and user/password values.
And system is ready to run.
Enable debug mode by typing -d after btkmon_x86
btkmon_x86 -d
Using Btkphp
After login with Admin,
Click Add USer
- Add as many users as you want..
Click Server Config.
- Enter your btkserver parameters.
- If you have created users then hit "Generate Users" button. or manually enter the users.
- Click "Save & Show" and then a popup screen comes up.
on the Popup screen;
- "Save to File" button : Backups you config in your local computer.
- "Signal Btkserver" button: Signals btkmon_x86 and btkmon_x86 receieves new dcwserver.cfg then Btkmon restarts btksrv_x86.
Good luck.
» Author: billytk06 dtd. 07.05.2012
» Size 5.86 kB; Needed time to download 0.75 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 788
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