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» Author: hasanok86 dtd. 19.06.2008
» Size 0.41 MB; Needed time to download 53.56 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 20783
Am I doing something wrong, but with the old winCSC 1.20 Sky UK was working just fine,
but with this new one 1.30 - picture is jerky, small freezes or some digital garbage every 5 seconds or so, also sound sometimes affected. The same settings, the same WinCSC.ini file is with 1.20.
The same jerky picture is with CSC,
Only WinCSC 1.20 works perfectly.
I am using AltDVB 2.
Unfortunately, WinCSC 1.20 is forbidden to use by some commercial servers - supposedly it sends broken ecm packets.
BTW, is this broken packet issue fixed in version 1.30?
02.09.2008 um 13:11
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