Tested with different SmartCards (SKY, HD+ (01, 02) and a lot of Receiver and SmartTV !
for testing the EMU-function is ++NO++ dummy card necessary !
The known problem with SKYHD and LGTVs cannot be fixed with this update !
No further updating of a Key-file needed or possible. The Keys are fix in the Firmware integrated.
There are NO BISS Keys integrated !
Attention: Watching Pay-TV without valid card is illegal! Use this Software only at your own risk and for test only if you own a legal Smartcard! I assume no liability for any damage or improper use of this software!
» Author: Ricky dtd. 18.01.2013
» Size 201.69 kB; Needed time to download 25.82 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2904
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