- "Multiport" for network reader (reader example: [newcamd Host port1; port2-port5; port6 ​​User password]
- oscam.conf new parameters:
- debug = level of detail of the log (as the-d command line)
- daemon = 0 or 1 (analog-b command line (default 0, and for sh4-stapi - 1))
- if the parameter reader enable = 2 konekta to it at the start
- added filters reader sid and siddec = list of approved channels oxides on the reader (for sid - hexadecimal, siddec - desyatirichnoy)
All in One
» Author: Ricky dtd. 29.06.2013
» Size 2.03 MB; Needed time to download 4,236 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 5775
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