hacksat softcam script for dreambox 500-7000-7020
download file and unrar and send all files to in /var/tuxbox/plugins
and changed chmod 755 and select on remote control 1hacksat-softcam-Indir
» Author: tonytr dtd. 14.11.2006
» Size 0.41 kB; Needed time to download 0.05 Sec. with ISDN
» Total Hits: 28955
Join date: January 2009
Location: Canada /India
Postings: 1
Softcam script
I have just join this forum ,wants to learn more about Dream Box.
Can some body help in Softcam script..
I did not understand ....... select on remote control 1hacksat-softcam-Indir "
I have down load the files in /var/Tuxbox/plugin (softcamindir...... .cfg , .sh , .2sh )
so far I have done
download Pli Jade image ( pli-jade-dm500-20081003-5635.zip - ZIP archive, unpacked size 6,197,248 bytes)
I have install Cline ( subscription )
sat : Insat4A , 83E
got all channels through Auto scan
and I am suppose to watch all channels after down loading Cline ...!!
But I am not able to .
I need help , what am I doing wrong ?
if I dont have Cline then with help of Soft cam script would I be able to watch FREE channels ? or script is only for only FTA channels ?
any help will be appreciated
10.01.2009 um 07:01
naderkalds Member
Join date: September 2008
Postings: 2
free free good
23.09.2008 um 02:40
norway Member
Join date: November 2006
Postings: 1
27.12.2006 um 01:57
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