Added: Support for Coolstream HD1 box
Added: Neutrino Plus HD: Read/Write settings for Coolstream HD1 box
Added: Neutrino Plus HD: Space bar zap to channel
Added: Neutrino Plus HD: Tv screen messages when read/write settings
Added: Neutrino Plus HD: Automatic reload services and bouquets after write settings
Fixed: Neutrino Plus HD: Fix reading/writing service type from settings
Fixed: Neutrino Plus HD: Fix showing wrong fec in lists
Update: Enigma2: Reload settings through http request (old method was kill enigma)
Added: Enigma2: Tv screen messages when read/write settings
Added: Enigma2: Space bar zap to channel
Update: Better support for old dBox2 Neutrino format
Added: Create settings from Internet, skip C-Band filter
Added: Create settings from Internet, all user options are stored
Fixed: Fix invalid fec convertion when converting settings
Fixed: Fix Import Settings dialog, service selection bug
» Author: alimansur dtd. 18.09.2009
» Size 1.75 MB; Needed time to download 3,177 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 2420
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