-several smartcard fixes
-conax ca pin support (use 'PIN:' in CCcam.cfg)
-added SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY setting, to tweak performance on mastera/sc8in1 and such
-moved providernames to an external file /var/etc/CCcam.providers. Format is 'hexvalue "providername" comments'
-channelname can now be displayed in webif instead of caid:ident:sid when defined in /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
-demuxapi support dropped
-gbox indirect: reuse slots
-avoid glitch when zapping over recorded channel (7025)
-two cam devices on DM600
» Author: tonytr dtd. 17.04.2007
» Size 1.34 MB; Needed time to download 2,118 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 3483
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