unticking the update box is not enough
If you don't, it will start shutting itself down every 25-30 minutes
with an error message about incorrect user data.
When installing, don't select any extras to download - if you need these check my other torrents ;)
you can add these lines to windows hosts file (located in C:WindowsSystem32driversetc)
instead of blocking it entirely, if you NEED to let dvbviewer have network access for other things.
(not sure if ALL of these are necessary, but this is what I have and it worked for me)
If you have let it connect and are getting the userdata error,
or if you have a previous version installed, I suggest you uninstall
the program completely, then open regedit (Start -> run -> regedit)
and press CTRL F (find) and search for all keys containing the words "dvbviewer"
and delete them all (press F3 after you delete each one to "search again")
Then you should be able to install again, without the 25-30 minute zap.
- xmelzax
» Author: senova dtd. 08.06.2009
» Size 5.16 MB; Needed time to download 11,649 Min with ISDN
» Total Hits: 16059
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